Geometry, Topology, and the Torelli group
The goal of this course is to explore mathematics in and around the Torelli group, with a particular emphasis on finiteness and non-finiteness properties. For specialists, the course will cover Johnson's contributions to the subject, as well as later developments, culminating in the recent proof of Ershov-He that the Johnson kernel is finitely generated. For non-specialists, the subject material will serve as a vehicle to visit a lot of beautiful and insightful mathematics, and will touch on 3-manifold topology, geometric group theory, and algebraic geometry.
- Introduction to the Torelli group and the Johnson filtration.
- Farb-Margalit, chapter 6
- Johnson, An abelian quotient of I_g
- Johnson, A survey of the Torelli group
- Applications of the Johnson homomorphism.
- Broaddus-Farb-Putman, The Casson invariant and the word metric on the Torelli group
- Broaddus-Farb-Putman, Irreducible Sp-representations and subgroup distortion in the mapping class group
- Finite generation of the Torelli group.
- Z/2 quotients of the Torelli group.
- Johnson, Quadratic forms and the Birman-Craggs homomorphisms
- Brendle-Farb, The Birman-Craggs-Johnson homomorphism and abelian cycles in the Torelli group
- The Johnson kernel and separating twists.
- The abelianization of the Torelli group.
- Some non-finiteness results
- Akita, Homological infiniteness of Torelli groups
- Church-Farb, Infinite generation of the kernels of the Magnus and Burau representations
- Bestvina-Bux-Margalit, The dimension of the Torelli group
- The Torelli group in genus 2
- Mess, The Torelli groups for genus 2 and genus 3 surfaces
- McCullough-Miller, The genus 2 Torelli group is not finitely generated
- Hatcher-Margalit, Generating the Torelli group
- Representation stability and the Torelli group
- Church-Farb, Parametrized Abel-Jacobi maps and abelian cycles in the Torelli group
- Church-Putman, Generating the Johnson filtration
- Boldsen-Dollerup, Towards representation stability for the second homology of the Torelli group
- BNS invariants
- Resonance varieties and cohomology jump loci
- The abelianization of the Johnson kernel
- Dimca-Papadima, Arithmetic group symmetry and finiteness properties of Torelli groups
- Dimca-Hain-Papadima, The abelianization of the Johnson kernel
- Finite generation of the Johnson kernel.